The enemy is a relentless force. He will resort to any means possible to get in the way of our hearts and our service. Car repairs almost had the opportunity to halter the signing of our house, but it was repaired the day before it became necessary and our house sold. Now, as we look to buy a home in the Dubuque or immediate surrounding area my car got nailed by a deer! Talk about frustration!
Well, as time went on and still goes on with even more automotive problems it can be so easy to forget that our Lord is always with us and doubt or toil even the slightest. Two passages that I like to reflect upon at times like these is Psalm 42:1-11 and James 1:2-18.
James teaches that the man who endures all of life's trials in steadfast love will receive the crown of life! Now, enduring for a reward would be wrong interpretation and practice because it is an action done for ourselves, not the Lord. This passage is talking about that even though our faith is tested, we can rest peacefully in our troubles because this life is temporal; the next is eternal! So this passage shows us that our eternal reward is not our motivation, but our encouragement.
The psalmist here is teaching of a different context and different motivation, but what can still be taken away from here is its advice! Psalm 42:11 questions the pain-struck and troubled soul, but responds with intention of hope and thankfulness. Words can be very powerful! Don't let your words compound your negative situations in life. Speak encouragement and hope in your life thanking and praising Him, and He can work through your readied heart. Hope in God, and God bless.