Friday, September 20, 2013

Joyfulness In Trials

The enemy is a relentless force.  He will resort to any means possible to get in the way of our hearts and our service.  Car repairs almost had the opportunity to halter the signing of our house, but it was repaired the day before it became necessary and our house sold.  Now, as we look to buy a home in the Dubuque or immediate surrounding area my car got nailed by a deer!  Talk about frustration!

Well, as time went on and still goes on with even more automotive problems it can be so easy to forget that our Lord is always with us and doubt or toil even the slightest.  Two passages that I like to reflect upon at times like these is Psalm 42:1-11 and James 1:2-18.

James teaches that the man who endures all of life's trials in steadfast love will receive the crown of life!  Now, enduring for a reward would be wrong interpretation and practice because it is an action done for ourselves, not the Lord.  This passage is talking about that even though our faith is tested, we can rest peacefully in our troubles because this life is temporal; the next is eternal!  So this passage shows us that our eternal reward is not our motivation, but our encouragement.

The psalmist here is teaching of a different context and different motivation, but what can still be taken away from here is its advice! Psalm 42:11 questions the pain-struck and troubled soul, but responds with intention of hope and thankfulness.  Words can be very powerful!  Don't let your words compound your negative situations in life.  Speak encouragement and hope in your life thanking and praising Him, and He can work through your readied heart. Hope in God, and God bless.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Family Baptism

This is a reflection on baptism as a believer, a father and a husband.  It is a moment bringing profound appreciation when one you love so strongly comes to believe in Jesus Christ as God and their savior.  So far my oldest daughter has made a decision to follow Christ with her life and be baptized, and now my wife already in faith made the decision to follow through with Jesus' command to be baptized by water because the opportunity for her husband to perform it was a reality.

Photo by Sean MacDonald.

It also just happens that this was my first performed baptism.  Our lead pastor and elder Josh Dryer did the teaching on baptism that day, but I performed confession / profession and act itself at my wife's request.   It was a wonderful day where I was surprisingly less emotional than expected.  I also have to say that I am so very blessed to have a woman who desires with all her heart to be sanctified in Christ.  Having a godly woman at his side is God's greatest earthly gift to man that transcends earthly measure. To be in a continuous and daily relationship where each person helps the other become more Christ-like is an AMAZING institute of God!  I know it would be much harder to do what I am doing and will continue to do without her.

Photo by Sean MacDonald.

As a man called to be a pastor I reflected on four passages of Scripture the night before. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) gives me my instruction to make disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  For my wife Trista, she is commanded to follow Christ's example and be baptized (Matthew 3:13-17).  Paul teaches us in Romans 6:1-15 that we are to be buried with Jesus in death so that we may also be raised with him in new life - following his example and command; atoned by his sacrifice.  Both the passages in Romans and in John 3:1-15 show us some more detail about the nature of what it means to be baptized and the symbolism behind it. We are to be buried and this by itself implies that we are to go underneath (the Greek baptizo confirms this directly meaning, "to immerse").  Going under the water allows us to show in our hearts that we desire be raised to new life and washed clean of our old earthly ways. This is also what it means to be "born again," - born out of water in physical life and reborn out of water for our new spiritual life.  A new life that may glorify Christ.

Photo by Sean MacDonald.

Photo by Sean MacDonald.

Photo by Sean MacDonald.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

RCC Facebook Banners

I made up a few Facebook banners for River City Church members recently and here they are:

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Prayer Chain

I find my home in Dubuque, Iowa at River City Church - a church plant full of potential.  Many things are in the works and in the heart for this new church, one effort of which is in the works is a prayer chain. A prayer chain is a fantastic opportunity that organizes opportunities for people to be together in interceding on behalf of others in prayer.  Another individual is taking responsibility for managing the chain at River City, however one thing that will also be put into works for this is a handout (in a flyer format) to encourage those who may be looking for a little more information about how to be involved within the prayer chain.  Other handouts will likely find fruition as they become applicable. The following is the prayer handout:


I wanted to note that a revision is planned for some time in the future which potentially may be a front and back version to add more content. I wanted to make a couple more points available to people in providing Scripture reference to why prayer's are done in Jesus name (John 14:13-14; 1 John 5:14-15; Colossians 3:17), and rejoicing in answered prayer (Psalm 28:6-7). I also want to point others to some of the coolest prayers in the Bible including the Lord's prayer (the example to follow --- Matthew 6:9-15), Hannah's prophetic prayer (1 Samuel 1:1-2:10), Daniel's prayer for understanding (what follows is also very important --- Daniel 9:1-19) , Solomon's prayer for understanding (1 Kings 3:1-15).

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Biblical Finances (Seed File)

Firstly, beware of earthly desire (if our eyes are guided to the things of this world they are distracted from our Lord and the things of Heaven): 

Matthew 19:24-26; Proverbs 15:27; Jeremiah 6:13-15, 8:9-12

...because the things of this world "will" pass away:

Mark 13:1-2; Psalm 109:11; Proverbs 15:27; Matthew 6:19

So, live for the Lord and the life in the next:

Proverbs 16:16, 28:16; Matthew 6:20-21

Let HIM be your support; lean not to the materials of the world:

Proverbs 15:27; Hebrews 13:5; Matthew 23:16

Some Scripture regarding tithing (tithing is an act of faith, but salvation is not dependent upon it, and you reap what you sow):

Deuteronomy 14:22, 24-28; Malachi 3:8, 10;  Luke 6:38; 1 Corinthians 16:2; Hebrews 7:4-10

Remember that what you give selflessly to glorify the Lord shows Him your caliber:

Mark 12:41-44; Matthew 6:2-4; Luke 21:1-4

...for you will be rewarded for the quality (the HEART) of your actions:

Proverbs 19:17; Mark 12:41-44

On debt - avoid it and pay it off as soon as possible because it burdens your ability to serve His will:

Proverbs 22:7; Deuteronomy 28:12; Isaiah 50:1; 2 Kings 4:1-7; Matthew 6:24

God wants our hearts to give lovingly and selflessly, and not weighted down by debt or otherwise:

2 Corinthians 9:7; Luke 6:27-28; James 2:14-16

When lending money to others remember NOT to burden them, as the Lord wishes you to avoid as well:

Exodus 22:25; Leviticus 19:18, 25:35-40; Deuteronomy 23:19-20; Pslam 15:5, Psalm 37:26-27, Psalm 112:5;  Matthew 5:42, 6:1-4,6:12, 7:12, 18:21-35, 19:19, 22:39; Luke 6:31, 10:27, 7:41-43, 11:4, 16:1-12; Galatians 5:14; Romans 13:9; Colossians 3:17

On sound investments - find honest ones; be wise and find which of those that are just and fair:

Leviticus 19:35-36; Deuteronomy 25:13-16; Proverbs 11:1, 16:2, 16:11, 20:10, 20:23; Habakkuk 2:9-11

On savings - DO IT! Be prepared to weather the storm. Be wise and do not get caught with your guard down:

Proverbs 13:11, 21:20, 22:3

Record your finances (budget):

Proverbs 22:23, 24:3-4

Work diligently and wisely, and you will be fruitful:

Proverbs 14:23; Genesis 1:1 (even God works!); Psalm 1:1; Proverbs 15:22

A (Potential) Future Three-Part Sermon Series:

  • Debt: The Dealings of the Devil
  • An Economy of Gratitude In An Economy of Greed
  • The Cheerful Giver: Freedom From Debt-pendence

A Seminar Essay

The following is an essay I wrote for a writing seminar last semester:

The First Amendment And Separation of Church And State

      One may ask, “What is the role of 'separation of Church & State' in America?” What is that role, and what does it mean for Christians? The ruling of Emerson v. Board of Education, in 1947, resulted in an impregnable wall that cannot be breached (Mapp 12). This impregnable wall has ensued in liberal politics by forcing traditional religious values out of public schools (and much more of society), and replaced them with evolutionary and secular values. Look at the founding fathers! The Emerson v. Board of Education ruling manufactured a new “wall of separation” by taking the phrase's original meaning and intent out of context. Ironically, that change gave “wall of separation” the exact result it was intended to prevent. The “wall of separation” historically was never meant to be interpreted as separation of church from state which means the first amendment of the Bill of Rights is now incorrectly interpreted and applied. This transmutation holds great significance for Christians in America today.

      The original intent of the phrase “wall of separation” within the United States of America begins back in its infancy as a colony of England during the 1600's. Roger Williams, an Anabaptist who started the first Baptist church in America, was inspired by Scripture, Puritan motives, and the true origin of the phrase's principles with Bishop Francis Asbury. In 1644, Rev. Roger Williams wrote in a letter to Mr. Cotton that God broke down the wall that the Garden and Paradise must be walled as the world from Himself which is necessary if all are to be saved from the world (Williams). The Biblical basis for this reference is Ephesians 2:14, and the intent was a warning over concerns for one of Israel's continual struggles – heartfelt motivations for intermingling with the world. This warning can be seen in areas of Scripture such as Exodus 32, Judges 3:5-11 and especially 1 Samuel 8:9-18. In reality, this dilemma is the heart issue of sinfulness in fallen man, and this dilemma is a struggle of all men. However, the origins of this phrase didn't end here.

      President Thomas Jefferson respected Rev. Roger Williams and thus used the “wall of separation” phrase to reflect that man needs to separate Godliness from worldliness lest man will always have their conscience infringed upon by worldliness of other men. Jefferson's fervent belief in religious freedom shouldn't be doubted when the entirety of his works are in the whole picture. The danger for religious freedom is in view and narrow scope of only one or two isolated works. President Jefferson wrote to the Presbyterian pastor Rev. Samuel Miller on January 23rd of 1808 a clear explanation of his view – that the Constitution prevents the U.S. Government fromintermeddling” with any religious organizations or affairs (this is in regards to the first amendment), and any authority in these matters can only be handled through the states (Jefferson). The explanation in Jefferson's letter to Rev. Samuel Miller is why Jefferson refused to follow his predecessors in issuing proclamations of fasting and Thanksgiving from the Presidency.

      In regards to the popular and misunderstood letter Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptists on January 1st of 1802 when he wrote, “Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely with between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith and his worship” (Jefferson). This letter alone should also be enough to indicate that man is not accountable to his federal government for his religious convictions, albeit this truth is not the case. The words in final form that became “a wall of separation between Church & State,” were initially drafted as “confining myself therefore to the duties of my station, which are merely temporal, be assured that your religious rights will never be infringed by any act of mine” (Jefferson). James Hutson makes Jefferson's letter to the Danbury's very clear by showing historically that Jefferson was writing this letter to ease constituent's fears. Their fears were driven by Jefferson's political opposition stating that he was a Godless man who will hinder their religious practices for republicanism, and that the temporal notion was an insult to a portion of English parliament alone. Jefferson's unique faith was not to be separated from the free exercise clause of the first amendment because Jefferson believed that a man with his own conscience had to make his own religious convictions, and that man could not be coerced for or against any faithful belief or practice.

      Jefferson's misunderstood faith should also not be as confusing as it most commonly is today. His faith was one that doubted the Deity of Jesus Christ which is noticeable in his writing in the unmiraculous and unsupernatural Life and Morals of Jesus and in a letter he wrote to President John Adams on July 5th of 1814 (Jefferson). Jefferson also wrote of his rejection of Trinitarianism to President John Adams on August 22 of 1813 (Jefferson). Despite those prior facts Jefferson was certainly not a “cold deist”. Jefferson knew that his Creator was the God of his forefathers in Israel, that He still actively enlightens the minds of His people, and this was stated by Jefferson in his second inaugural address (Mapp 10). Jefferson was undoubtedly a God-believing man who also believed strongly in the republic of the United States that Constitutionally could not interfere with the religion of the nation's people. There is no need to make such horribly inaccurate assessments of history when the original sources are learned and taught. Whether intentional or unintentional, withdrawing bits of history from real truth and real history that should be part of America's education is horribly lacking in integrity and is both dangerous and revisionism.

      So what does the religious portion of the first amendment mean? The first amendment says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” (U.S. Constitution Amend. I). The first part, “respecting an establishment of religion” is called the establishment clause. The second part, “prohibiting the free exercise thereof” is called the free exercise clause. The establishment clause was solely intended to prevent a national religion or church just as had been the concern with the Church of England. The only security against government infringement of religious beliefs was uprooting the power of a national establishment, but this security was decided imperfect, necessitating a further declaration – the free exercise clause (Story 731). The free exercise clause was intended to be taken literally as it was written by leaving the all power over religion solely to state governments (Story 731). Those sentiments were precisely the intent from the beginning of the Congressional debates. Joseph Story also wrote that all persecution and oppression of consciences of religious means are unjustifiable (729). That assessment from Story is absolutely consistent with Jefferson's conclusions. Finally, Joseph Story also sums  up the first amendment, pertaining to religion, perfectly:

“1871. The real object of the amendment was, not to countenance, much less to advance Mahometanism, or Judaism, or infidelity, by prostrating; but to exclude all rivalry among Christian sects, and to prevent any national ecclesiastical establishment, which should give to an hierarchy the exclusive patronage of the national government. It thus cut off the means of religious persecution, (the vice and pest of former ages,) and of the subversion of the rights of consciousness in the matters of religion, which had been trampled upon almost from the days of the Apostles to the present age” (Story 728).

There simply is not a better way to put it than Story put it – the amendment was not to advance any other religion or Christian sect, but to prevent all means of religious persecution and subversion of one's conscience. The first amendment was only meant to prevent government favor of a religion, and any violation against any religious person – nothing else! Revising history for any purpose is without good moral ethic and again is dangerous! If revisionism is allowed, it permits more revisionism which illegitimately distorts the truth and can lead to the propagation of lies.

      The truth here is greatly significant to the uninformed or uncertain Christians. Christians need to react to this persecution, but this reaction needs to be done in a Godly manner that is Scripture based. First and foremost, it is a Christian's responsibility to watch for the most Godly of men and work to place them in office as evident by Exodus 18:18-23 – whoever lines up best with God's word, vote for them! In America, we live in a society with democratic means which means we need to vote, and America needs God-fearing men as notable as in 2 Samuel 23:3 & Psalm 125:3. At the very least, go vote! As a nation, if Americans reject God He will deliver us into the hands of the world we desire (1 Samuel 8:7-9), but this revisionist reality can change and truth can be restored. God is always in control (Psalm 16:8), and the nature of our leaders can change (Daniel 2:21). In the times between elections pray for our leaders because they need the grace of the Savior as much as anyone else (1 Timothy 2:1-6). Just as important, if you have children teach them the truth! Do not let your children grow ignorant of our past because the revisionist status quo of American public education. Also, train your children in the Word so that they know and understand how God wants them to respond to this charge (Proverbs 22:6). However, Americans also ought to be obedient to our leaders as much as possible within our consciences because God favors order and submission (Romans 13:1-7). Obedience is best in order to prevent acting in vain; however, Americans should also not dismiss obedience to the Father in favor of obedience to man (Acts 5:29). If push comes to shove, be prepared for further persecution. There will be troubles; sometimes more; sometimes less; eventually more than less, but do not worry because he will ultimately wipe away every tear and make all things new (Revelation 21:4-5). Educate your family internally where the government refuses the education externally; that is the only way to overcome these challenges as Christians.

      Endure! Pray! Our nation has wavered, but there is always hope in Christ so put your faith in Him. We have departed from our former foundations in religious passion governmentally. The first amendment is rarely fully understood in the manner it was once intended, but we always have hope in Christ. Even Tocqueville got it right many decades after the first debates when he wrote in Democracy in America, “All the peoples of Europe were born in centuries when the ardor of religious passions reigned, but American society was established especially in order to satisfy these very passions” (Tocqueville 157). Despite modern frustrations and intrusions there really is still hope for Americans. Worry is of no practical use when we know He wins in the end.


Carpenter, Edmund J., Litt.D. Roger Williams. New York: The Grafton Press, 1909. Print.

Gourley, Bruce T., Ph.D. "Wall of Separation Between Church and State." Wall of Separation Between  Church and State RSS. Web. Nov. 2012.

History of the Proceedings and Debates of the House of Representatives of the United States. New York. 1789. Print. Annals of Congress.

Hutson, James. "'A Wall of Separation' FBI Helps Restore Jefferson's Obliterated Draft."Library of Congress Information Bulletin. Library of Congress, Web. Nov. 2012.

Jefferson, Thomas. "Jefferson's Draft Letter." Letter to the Danbury Baptists. 01 Jan. 1802. Library of Congress Information Bulletin. Library of Congress, Web. Nov. 2012.

Jefferson, Thomas. "Jefferson's Final Letter." Letter to the Danbury Baptists. 01 Jan. 1802. Library of Congress Information Bulletin. Library of Congress, Web. Nov. 2012.

Jefferson, Thomas. "To Rev. Samuel Miller." Letter to Samuel Miller. 23 Jan. 1808. Online Library of Liberty: The Works of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 11. LibertyFund, Web. Nov. 2012.

Mapp, Alf J. Jr. The Faiths of Our Fathers. 2006 ed. New York: Fall River, 2003. Print.

Morris, Henry, Ph.D. "The Wall of Partition." Institution For Creation Research: Articles. Web. Nov. 2012.

Schweikart, Larry, and Michael Allen. A Patriot's History of the United States. 1st ed. New York: Sentinel, 2004. Print.

Story, Joseph, LL. D. Commentaries On the Constitution of the United States; With a Preliminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States, Before the Adoption of the Constitution. Vol. 3rd. Boston: Hillard, Gray, and, 1833. Print.

Straus, Oscar S. Roger Williams: The Pioneer of Religious Liberty. New York: The Century Co. 1899. Print.

Tocqueville, Alexis De. Democracy in America. Ed. Eduardo Nolla. Trans. James T. Schleifer. Historical-Critical ed. Vol. 3. Indianapolis: LibertyFund, 2010. Print.

Williams, Roger. “Mr. Cotton's Letter Lately Printed, Examined and Answered.” Letter to Mr. Cotton. 1644. Roger Williams, Wall of Separation. Missouri State University: History Department. Web. Nov. 2012.

Jefferson's Draft Letter To the Danbury Baptists


Welcome all to The NMWMinistry Blog.  As the header states this is a personal blog about education, experiences and opportunities as they relate to Christian ministry (mine in particular) - providing opportunities to reflect and put down all that I am going through and thinking about in pursuit of God's calling.  Note that during school semesters I will be posting once per month, and outside of school once per week (with the start of this blog being an exception).  By the grace of God I am attending a wonderful Biblically literate school called Emmaus Bible College in pursuit of a Bachelor of Science in Bible Exposition and Exegesis degree before going to seminary.  Some of the other great things that have happened recently is the baptism of my daughter,  my involvement with a new church, and much more.